Orange County Stroke Rehab Network
Thank you to all of our speakers, attendees, and volunteers who came out to the First Annual Orange County Stroke Rehab Network “Stroke Awareness Picnic” and helped make it a resounding success. This year's picnic was held at UC Irvine's Aldrich Park on Saturday, May 8th, 2010 (during Stroke Awareness Month) and has been featured in the Orange County Register. Here is a downloadable listing of exhibitors and resources. We received many compliments and positive comments as well as suggestions on how to make next year's even better. All who play a role in stroke care or who have been involved with stroke were invited: persons with stroke, their friends and caregivers and families, therapists, nurses, physicians, researchers, etc. It was a great environment for discussion and interaction, and we look forward to seeing you at next year's gathering! Please enjoy pictures of this year's picnics below. If you would like to receive information for future events, remember to register.