Orange County Stroke Rehab Network
1st Annual Educational Workshop
November 2010


Many thanks to all of our attendees and volunteers at the first OCSRN Educational Workshop that was held on November 6, 2010 at Chapman University’s Department of Physical Therapy!  If you were unable to attend, here is a summary of what you missed:

Steven C. Cramer, MD of the University of California, Irvine gave a talk entitled "Brain Repair and its Pharmacology after Stroke."  His lecture covered the main mechanisms responsible for brain repair after stroke and some of the pharmacological therapies that are currently being studied as possible treatments for stroke.

Sheryl Flynn, PT, Ph.D. of the University of Southern California delivered a lecture titled "Gaming for Stroke: Optimizing Off-The-Shelf Video Games for Rehabilitation."  Dr. Flynn discussed various video games for rehabilitation after stroke, how the games can be modified to make them better suited for use by stroke patients, and what future developments are needed to improve such games’ efficacy in stroke rehabilitation.

Lucy Der-Yeghiaian, MA, OTR/L of the University of California, Irvine and Alison McKenzie, PT, Ph.D. of Chapman University and described the Hand Wrist Assistive Robotic Device (HWARD) trial.  Dr. McKenzie and Ms. Der-Yeghiaian started with an overview of the advantages of robotic therapy for stroke rehabilitation.  They then described the HWARD device and the main outcome measures and results of the trial.  For further information, see

From left: Lucy Der-Yeghiaian, Alison McKenzie, Sheryl Flynn, Steven Cramer at the November 6 workshop.

We will be having our second annual OCSRN “Stroke Awareness” picnic in May, which is Stroke Awareness Month.  Details will be announced at a later date.  We hope to see you there!

The Orange County Stroke Rehabilitation Network team